Coming down to the last few days in Vienna, Austria, the last two desserts were within our grasp. With the renewed hope of finding our last Hungarian rigo jancsi dessert, I did a search of Hungarian restaurants in Vienna. Lo and behold, there was one right across the street of our hotel along the Ringstrassen (the boulevard the encircles the old city). After a busy day of sightseeing, I headed over to Gulasche & Sohne to grab dinner and more importantly, a slice of rigo jancsi for dessert!
But first, I must tell you the history of the dessert’s name. It is fascinating and this true story is better than reality tv!
Rigó Jancsi was a Romanian violinist who captured the attention and heart of the Princesse de Caraman-Chimay of Belgium (born Clara Ward, an American heiress). Unfortunately, he was not the first to capture her hand, as she was already married with two children. They created an epic scandal and made international headlines when they ran off together in 1896.
How could a dessert live up to that notorious background? Well, the layers of sponge cake and mouse are incredibly rich, and shall we say, sinfully decadent? Discovering Desserts rating of Gulasche & Sohne’s rigo jancsi is 3.75 stars: