Discovering Desserts

Highlights of Roma

Here are some of my favorite pics of Rome, including things we came across by luck, like a huge Pride Parade right on the street next to our B&B. They were all in town for the big “World Meeting on Human Fraternity ‘Not Alone'” event held on June 10 2023 at the Vatican. We had a St. Peter’s Basilica tour planned for that day, which had to be left out of our Vatican tour, unfortunately, but the Pride Parade was a unique event which offset the disappointment.

Castel Sant’Angelo

Sitting on the right bank of the Tiber River is the Castel Sant’Angelo, which was originally a mausoleum. The bridge is the Ponte Sant’Angelo, or the Aelian Bridge or Pons Aelius, a Roman brdige completed in 134 AD by Roman Emperor Hadrian (Publius Aelius Hadrianus). The mausoleum became associated with the archangel Michael in 590, when he appeared to Pope Gregory I, who saw the angel sheath his sword on top of the building, signallling an end to the plague epidemic at that time. The statue of the Holy Angel was added later in 1753..

2 thoughts on “Highlights of Roma”

  1. Nikki Donaldson

    Look like you guys are having a wonderful time exploring Italy! All the pictures look amazing, and thanks for telling us a little story about it🥰
    Cant wait for you both to come home cook us some awesome real Italian pasta😁
    Of course you are in Italy and in Italy you eat gelato🍨 bet you can’t find any Vegan gelato 😁

    How is the crowd and the weather?

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